12 January 2009

Great Expectations

Recently, I was angrily accused by a man of being a purposeful manipulator, watching not-so-innocently as his feelings bloomed for me all over again, apparently just to ravage him once more; an act of pure cruelty. "You are Estella", he said.

...and although I was at that moment being compared to one of the bitchiest and cold-hearted literary characters in history, I was shamefully flattered to be referred to one at all. This predicament made me wonder, "Which literary character would you want to be identified as and why?"


Lane Meyer said...

I'd like to be Elizabeth Bennett please. She's witty and gorgeous although not in the same way that Jane is/was.

Or David Sedaris, although not a literary character, but the subject of stories, so technically I should be allowed to be him!

Jen said...

AHHHH, I cannot believe you just said David Sedaris because that is exactly what I suggested to Elaine! She was still pondering this question and I said well, pretty much exactly what you just wrote about being a character in his own books, etc. We have the shining!

Lane Meyer said...

haha we do have the shining! This mind reading business has happened more than once, so now it has been officially confirmed!