No one likes to be corrected and no one likes hearing they are wrong or are doing something wrong. And just because I like being helpful, I thought I'd tell someone that they were doing something incorrectly. I figured that they would not take offense since it was coming from me. And I assumed that they had known me better. (Well you know what they say about assuming...) Sadly, I learned a lesson, well a couple. 1. Never ever tell someone they're doing something wrong/incorrectly, regardless of intentions. 2. People don't really know you no matter how long you've known, worked with them. *sighs*
uh-oh. i hope everything's cool now.
haha I don't know. We'll see on Monday. I'll tell you about it in person later on today :)
Hey it's not your fault that people misinterpret, right?? But I hope it gets ironed out to the point of no awkwardness.
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