24 April 2009


here's a word i hate saying: tipsheet. i've said it a few times to patrons who need help with accessing wi-fi and i always end up mispronouncing it.

what words do YOU mispronounce? or hate? or love?


Lane Meyer said...

haha what do you end up saying?

I'd say depth would be my number one worse enemy.

elaine said...

i end up saying "tip-shit". or "tep-shit". HAHAHAHA! i don't know why. i'm wired wrong or something. i try to say it in my head first, then mumble and mispronounce it, and finally say it correctly out loud. it's always a three-step process. bah!

"depth", eh? how do you mispronounce it?

Lane Meyer said...

debt, or dept ahhaha

Jen said...

I love the word "exceptionally"...or perhaps more than love it, I simply overuse it. I also say "certainly" a lot and I like how that sounds.

elaine said...

now that you mention it, jen, i do notice that say "certainly" quite often. i say "awesome" way too much. i need a new word...

Lane Meyer said...

I was just looking at the blog and remembered I wanted to leave a comment about this. Why don't you follow the route that David Sedaris did when he had problems pronouncing s-words due to his lisp and choose another word to replace tip sheet. Might I suggest fact sheet? Or even cheat sheet?