Dear stripper with the shaved chest and fake tan,
I declined having coffee with you, but did feel sorry for you when you said nobody wants to date you because you're a stripper.
Dear rude cab driver eating your melting ice cream while driving,
There was no need to be rude and condescending when I messed up the address. Everyone knows that the numbers go sequentially, without you reminding them!
Dear late night McDonald's employee working on Caribana weekend,
Thank you for the extra nugget sauce. You are a model employee.
Dear whoever the hell lights up the CN tower at night,
Could you please do something a little more exciting with those lights? Like red, green and yellow for Caribana? Or a light show.
Dear girl who was rude to us when we found your friends' phone in a cab and attempted to return it,
You are rude and I do not care about your life story.
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