This moment is still fresh in my mind as it happened only an hour ago and it’s a scenario that’s been playing over and over in my head with various comebacks from yours truly. Comebacks that would probably suck less than the ones I came up with, caught-off-guard and inexperienced as I was. Anyway, it’s a pretty minor and stupid argument but I just need to vent.
I say my goodbyes to the staff after an 8-hour shift and chat for a bit with Sam. We part ways. I put on my ipod and walk towards door #1 – it opens automatically. I walk towards door #2 and it too opens automatically as triggered by door #1. A woman, who was about 5 steps away from the door, enters just as I clear it.
WOMAN: You blind?
ME: What? (I say as I pull off an earbud. I also realize I should’ve said “Pardon?” to be more polite but meh, I shrug it off.)
WOMAN: You blind? (She repeated with more attitude.)
I then realize she wanted me to apologize for something. Maybe she thought I should've let her in first. Or maybe the door almost hit her. Or maybe she imagined I bumped against her. All I know is that I was much closer to the door therefore I had the right of way. And it’s an AUTOMATIC DOOR, you stupid lady!
ME: I was closer to the door so I exited first. What was I supposed to do? (In my mind this was good enough response to an imagined slight. Clearly it wasn’t for her.)
WOMAN: You figure it out. (Again, said with attitude accompanied with an arrogant head-bobbing, neck-twisting thing to emphasize her lame point.)
ME: …
I was struck dumb by this douche of a woman. She reeked of too much confidence and delusions of grandeur, it was ridiculous. And her condescending tone! Good god! You’d think she was ruler of the world and all must bow to her royal doucheness.
I had no energy left for a confrontation and didn’t want to cause a scene since two idiots eating pizza were already listening in and snickering. I just thought to myself that I should just let it go and that I shouldn’t stoop so low. So I started walking away.
Screw that.
Two seconds later, I turn around.
ME: HAVE A NICE DAY! (I yell out, dripping with a cup of sweetness of a truck-load of sarcasm. Pretty lame retort but at least I didn’t call her names.)
She was almost inside the building and she turns around and says something I couldn’t and didn’t want to hear anymore.
As she prattles on, I smile at her, give her a quick wave, walk away again, punch my fist into the air, and give her the finger. Think Judd Nelson’s air punch at the end of “The Breakfast Club.” But with a bit more attitude. And probably just as lame.
In the back my mind, I thought I may get in trouble for that if she recognizes me as a staff but I was already off-duty. She’s a regular patron, one who I’ve noticed is very demanding and quite rude to the reference staff. Whatever. I stooped low and I sure as hell don’t feel bad about it at all.
I say my goodbyes to the staff after an 8-hour shift and chat for a bit with Sam. We part ways. I put on my ipod and walk towards door #1 – it opens automatically. I walk towards door #2 and it too opens automatically as triggered by door #1. A woman, who was about 5 steps away from the door, enters just as I clear it.
WOMAN: You blind?
ME: What? (I say as I pull off an earbud. I also realize I should’ve said “Pardon?” to be more polite but meh, I shrug it off.)
WOMAN: You blind? (She repeated with more attitude.)
I then realize she wanted me to apologize for something. Maybe she thought I should've let her in first. Or maybe the door almost hit her. Or maybe she imagined I bumped against her. All I know is that I was much closer to the door therefore I had the right of way. And it’s an AUTOMATIC DOOR, you stupid lady!
ME: I was closer to the door so I exited first. What was I supposed to do? (In my mind this was good enough response to an imagined slight. Clearly it wasn’t for her.)
WOMAN: You figure it out. (Again, said with attitude accompanied with an arrogant head-bobbing, neck-twisting thing to emphasize her lame point.)
ME: …
I was struck dumb by this douche of a woman. She reeked of too much confidence and delusions of grandeur, it was ridiculous. And her condescending tone! Good god! You’d think she was ruler of the world and all must bow to her royal doucheness.
I had no energy left for a confrontation and didn’t want to cause a scene since two idiots eating pizza were already listening in and snickering. I just thought to myself that I should just let it go and that I shouldn’t stoop so low. So I started walking away.
Screw that.
Two seconds later, I turn around.
ME: HAVE A NICE DAY! (I yell out, dripping with a cup of sweetness of a truck-load of sarcasm. Pretty lame retort but at least I didn’t call her names.)
She was almost inside the building and she turns around and says something I couldn’t and didn’t want to hear anymore.
As she prattles on, I smile at her, give her a quick wave, walk away again, punch my fist into the air, and give her the finger. Think Judd Nelson’s air punch at the end of “The Breakfast Club.” But with a bit more attitude. And probably just as lame.
In the back my mind, I thought I may get in trouble for that if she recognizes me as a staff but I was already off-duty. She’s a regular patron, one who I’ve noticed is very demanding and quite rude to the reference staff. Whatever. I stooped low and I sure as hell don’t feel bad about it at all.
I don't think you should feel bad about it. She sounds like a total bitch.
She's a regular patron at PK? I wonder if she comes to HP?
Tell me more about it on Monday!
I like the picture. Can we get one of those misters giving the finger? haha
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